Minor Surgery
Wart, cyst and skin-tag removal. These can be safely removed via freezing, surgical removal or cautery. Minor surgical procedures are carried out at a local private hospital.
Skin resurfacing
The CO2 laser treatments use laser-based skin resurfacing technologies to smooth out and balance the skin. This improves overall skin tone, elasticity and texture and reduces superficial pigmentation and pore size, while helping to bolster the skin against future aging. The treatments are safe, effective and are suitable for all skin types.
Face contouring
Over time, the skin on our face loses its elasticity and firmness, leading to a saggy, age-worn appearance. The CO2 laser works on a mesh of collagen fibres, mobilising them into action so that skin regains its elasticity and form. It also has the ability to significantly reduce fat. The results will make you smile.
Scars and stretch marks
Scars, acne scars and stretch marks are a common problem. The CO2 laser treatment replaces compacted scar tissue with healthy new collagen, reducing or removing the appearance of scars with lower risk and less pain than surgical approaches, and with excellent clinical outcomes. It is also a treatment for both new and old stretch marks and significantly reduces their appearance.
Pigmented lesions
Lifecycle and hormonal changes can affect the distribution of colour (melanin) in our skin, leading to the appearance of sun spots, age spots, or melasma- a dark, patchy facial discolouration condition. The CO2 laser treatment remove the appearance of spots and pigmentation by targeting the melanin in the darkened area, clearing all layers of the pigmentation and revealing even-toned, unblemished skin. The treatments are specially designed for patient comfort and are safe and effective for all skin types, including dark skin.
Gold Facial
This luxury 24-carat gold facial uses gold plated needle system to deliver custom solutions into the skin at the ideal 600 micron depth. It is a pain free procedure with no downtime, and can deliver a cocktail of skin ingredients including Hyaluronic acid fillers, neuromodulators, vitamin complex, growth factors, PRP, stem cells and nano-peptide active ingredients that give the skin an instant glow. It is a perfect treatment for dull, ageing and pigmented skin.
Microneedling is a hot topic and a hot procedure. More patients are discovering the advantages of this non-invasive procedure that helps improve the appearance of acne scars. SkinPen® is clinically proven to safely and effectively treat facial acne scars for ages 22 and up. With as few as three treatments spaced 30 days apart, patients can improve their appearance and step out with confidence.
How Microneedling Works
Microneedling devices cause controlled micro-injuries that stimulate the body’s natural wound-healing process. As the skin begins to heal, it goes through a three-phase wound repair process:
1) Inflammation. Piercing the skin triggers the immune system to disinfect the wounds, remove debris, increase blood flow and begin to create new tissue.
2) Proliferation. The wound is rebuilt with new granulation cells, which are part of the extracellular matrix.
3) Remodeling. The wound is replaced with new dermal tissues and blood vessels.
The HydraFacial Core Treatment consists of a three-stage process taking around 45-80 minutes depending on the treatment and is perfect for anyone with with a busy lifestyle. It detoxifies the skin, removes dead skin cells, extracts any debris and provides long lasting hydration and essential nutrient support to protect and rebuild collagen levels.
The HydraFacial Skin Health for Life treatment uses super-serums filled with antioxidants, peptides and hyaluronic acid to boost skin hydration and protect skin from environmental damage, leaving it recharged, renewed and invigorated.
HydraFacial Anti-Ageing treatment uses the DermaBuilder multi-peptide anti-ageing serum to help diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, while also enhancing the skin’s elasticity, for visibly noticeable plumping and tightening of the skin.
The HydraFacial Skin Brightening treatment which features the Britenol Vortex-Booster is clinically proven to minimise the appearance of brown spots. Specially formulated to awaken dull skin, the treatment targets dark spots and sun damaged areas, leaving skin glowing with a more even complexion.
HydraFacial Acne and Acne Scarring treatment helps yo improve active acne by reducing the build-up of excess oils and also improves scarring by deeper exfoliation using natural salicylic acid and application of different strengths of GlySal peel. Improvement can be seen from your first treatment.
Facial Peels
Day after day, we are confronted with UV rays, stress, tobacco smoke and hormonal changes. These cause changes in our skin appearance such as dark spots and dilated pores. Chemical peels improve the appearance of the skin by removing the top layers of the epidermis in a controlled manner and accelerating cell turnover. Applied with safety protocols to ensure minimum recovery time.
Anti-ageing/pigmentationGlow peel: Glow peel combines lactic acid, salicylic acid and resorcinol, creating a multipurpose resurfacing solution effective in minimising the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and hyperpigmentation issues like age spots, discolouration and uneven skin tone. This formula exfoliates dead skin cells and stimulates cell renewal.
Radiant 30: Radiant 30 is an alpha hydroxy acid resurfacing peel containing lactic acid to exfoliate dead skin cells, boost cell turnover and stimulate collagen, improving skin texture and tone. This peel targets fine lines and wrinkles, discolouration, sun damage and large pores.
AcneRadiant 20/10: With lactic and salicylic acid, Radiant 20/10 resurfacing peel improves skin tone and texture by exfoliating dead skin cells and speeding cell turnover. This multipurpose resurfacing peel reduces acne pimples and minimises the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, large pores, hyperpigmentation and sun damage.
Dermalux Tri-Wave
The Tri-Wave system delivers clinically proven Blue 415nm, Red 633nm and Near Infrared 830nm wavelengths via proprietary LEDs to ensure focused and optimised penetration of light into the skin.The treatment is used to address the signs of ageing such as lines and wrinkles, pigmentation and sun damage, as well as for bruising, burns, dermatitis, dehydrated skin, sensitive skin conditions, blemishes, open pores, psoriasis, vitiligo, fungal skin conditions, rosacea, eczema and acne.