Our goal is to provide quality health care to allour patients in a timely manner. No-shows, late arrivals, and cancellationsinconvenience not only our providers, but our other patients as well. Please beaware of our policy regarding missed appointments.
Appointment Cancellation
Whenyou book your appointment, you are holding a space on our calendar that is nolonger available to our other patients. In order to be respectful of yourfellow patients, please call the clinic as soon as you know you will not beable to make your appointment.
Ifcancellation is necessary, we require that you call at least 1 working day (24hours) in advance. Appointments are in high demand, and your advanced noticewill allow another patient access to that appointment time.
How to Cancel Your Appointment
If you need to cancel your appointment, please callus at the phone number listed on the website between the hours of 10 am and 7pm. If necessary, you may leave a voicemail message. We will return your callas soon as possible.
Late Cancellations/No-Shows
Acancellation is considered late when the appointment is cancelled less than 1working day (24 hours) before the appointed time. A no-show is when a patientmisses an appointment without cancelling. In either case, we will charge thepatient a £50 missed appointment fee. Some appointments (such as surgical casesand long procedures) have a higher deposit requirement, and this deposit willbe non-refundable in case of late cancellations or no-show.
Contact Us
If you have any queries on any aspect of our Cancellation Policy, please contact us on the details below:
Telephone: 02079351127
Email: info@cosmebeaute.co.uk
Address: Customer Services, Harley Street Specialists Limited,
127 Harley Street, London, W1G 6AZ
Last updated 01.09.22